- 来源:深圳肖传国医院 更新时间:2018-07-28 点击: 次
【这是新闻发布会前和朋友的通信:附上AUA年会3年结果(先不要对外透漏)。专业数据非常好,比预期的还好。另外,你们结合UROLOGY Times的报道,就会明白美国的手术难度比中国大得多,其中4个人做了神经移植。术前我就对美方和美国病人讲:你们3个做过宫内手术的都需做神经移植,成功的可能最多30%(好了1个半:一个homerun,另一个大便好了),这位37岁的脊髓膨出病人膀胱本来就发育不好,又受损太久,效果难定,其余6位有把握。现在的结果如我所料:总共7人自主排尿,8人自主大便。
和截瘫不同,在脊膜膨出患者,我在最初20例就观察患儿到最后都无须利用肖氏反射弧排尿,都能像正常人一样意识控制排尿,这我在J.UROL2005文章中已经报告。其实这是肖氏反射弧一个非常重要的科学现象,证明了异类周围神经再生形成肖氏反射弧后能刺激、导致中枢包括大脑的功能重组。我973项目的一项重要内容就是证明这个重组。我已经在20多个SB病人完成了术前和术后获得排尿功能后fMRI研究,证明了这类患者术后在PONS新建立了一个排尿中枢,其位置与正常人不同!中枢的TAKEOVER非常有意思!我在SIU讲座时略微带了一下(你可去看看那视频)。已成文。这项研究非常辛苦不易,历经6-7年 。】
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 华盛顿 D.C
结果:9个病人中,5个曾在出生后24小时内做过脊膜膨出修补手术,3个则在胎儿期用内窥镜作了子宫内脊髓膜膨出修补术,仅一人无手术史。手术平均时间为183分钟(127-278分钟),无任何术中并发症。术后有一个病人发生左足下垂,8个病人出现暂时性小腿肌肉力量减弱(均在6个月左右恢复至术前肌力—译者注:见术后一年报告J.Urol,Peters)。在术后12个月,9个病人中有7个经检测证实已建立皮肤-膀胱反射弧(即肖氏反射弧-译者注)在进行术后第3年随访时,有2位病人没能回访,暂列为失随访。其余7位病人术后3年结果如下:尿流动力学检查证实:膀胱平均容量从210毫升增加到293毫升。7个病人中术前有4个是高反射膀胱,现仅一位还有高反射。平均膀胱顺应性从术前12.2 ml/H2O改善为28.4 ml/H2O,其中3位术前顺应性低于10者(表示逼尿肌基本无功能-译者注)术后变成正常(从7到34.3, 从9.4到21.2, 从8.3到28.4)。 7个病人中,术前仅2人能排出平均23毫升尿,现6人已完全不需导尿管自行排尿,6个病人自己记录每次可排出平均156毫升尿,但尿流率测定证实每次平均排出高达248毫升,残余尿93毫升,有效排尿率为73% 所有6个病人都能排空至少超过59%的膀胱容量。7个病人中,5个需借助些许腹压排尿;7个病人中一个已无尿失禁,6个仍有压力性尿失禁(即打喷嚏或剧烈咳嗽时滴尿,因为尿道括约肌还较弱所致-译者注):其中3个仅偶有滴尿,3个较易滴尿。7个病人中,3个在术前认为自己肠道功能正常,一个没有大便失禁。在术后3年随访时,6个报告肠道功能已正常,4个已无大便失禁。除一位还有高反射膀胱的病人外,其余所有病人都不再需要服用抗胆碱能药物。肾脏B超检查和血肌酐均正常。所有病人均无长期并发症。7个病人中有6个很高兴自己作了本手术。
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Urodynamics/Incontinence/Female Urology: Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction
Moderated Poster
Source of Funding: Ministrelli Program for Urology Research and Education (MPURE)
Kenneth Peters
Kevin Feber
Benjamin Girdler
William Nantau
Evan Kass
Jose Gonzalez
Gary Trock
Ananias Diokno
Royal Oak, MI
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The concept of restoring bladder and bowel function in
spina bifida by the creation of a skin-CNS-bladder reflex arc by an intradural lumbar to sacral
motor root microanastomosis was introduced by Xiao. We report our three-year experience with the novel procedure.
METHODS: Nine patients (3 males, 6 females) with median age of 8 (range 6 to 37) years enrolled in this institutional review board approved protocol. After extensive
preoperative evaluation, lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting was performed using intraoperative
neurophysiological monitoring. Postoperative evaluation included follow-up questionnaires,
urodynamic testing (UDT), voiding diaries, renal function studies and bowel assessment.
RESULTS: Of the 9 patients, 5 patients had defect closure within 24 hours of birth, 3 had intrauterine closure and 1 had no prior surgery. Mean operative time was 183 (range 127-278) minutes. No intraoperative complications occurred. One patient developed permanent foot drop and 8 had transient lower extremity weakness. By 12 months, 7 of 9 had a documented cutaneous to bladder reflex. At 3 years, 2 patients did not return for follow-up and were considered non-responders. Seven patients returned for 36-month evaluation. On UDT, maximum cystometric capacity improved from mean 210 cc to 293 cc. At baseline 4/7 had neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO); at 36 months 1/7 had NDO. Median compliance improved from 12.2 ml/H20 to 28.4 ml/H2O and 3 with a baseline compliance of less than 10 had normalization (7 to 34.3, 9.4 to 21.2, and 8.3 to 28.4). At baseline, 2/7 were able to void with an average void of 23 cc. At 36 months, 6/7 no longer required catheterization and 6/7 reported mean voided volume of 156cc on voiding diaries. Uroflow demonstrated a mean voided volume of 248 cc with a 93 cc post void residual and a voiding efficiency of 73%. All 6 patients were voiding > 59% of their bladder capacity. 5 of 7 require some valsalva to void. 6/7 subjects had persistent stress incontinence with 1 subject dry, 3 with occasional leak, 3 frequent leaks. At baseline, 3/7 considered their bowels normal and 1/7 were continent of stool. At 36-months 6/7 considered bowels normal and 4/7 continent of stool. Antimuscarinics were stopped in all subjects except the 1 with persistent NDO. Renal ultrasounds and serum creatinines remained stable. No long-term complications were identified and 6/7 would undergo the procedure again.
Lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting can improve bladder and bowel function in patients with
neurogenic bladder associated with spina bifida.
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